Top Books To Read This Lockdown

Top Books To Read This Lockdown

One of the positives of this winter lockdown is all the time to read whilst it’s cold and wet outside! I’ve enjoyed having these slower, cozy days. In Nutrition, there’s always new research and books coming out that sometimes it can be hard to keep up!

For this article I’ve pulled together some of my favourite books in nutrition that I’ve read in 2020.

1) SPOON-FED by Tim Spector

I was given Spoon-Fed as a gift and from about page 2 my mind was blown by some of points that he highlighted. Spector unpicks myth after myth that we’ve all grown up believing and taken as the bible. For instance, it’s a myth that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

This book we redefine about how you think about food and nutrition, so it’s a must read for 2021.

2) FAT CHANCE by Dr. Robert Lustig

This is dusty old book that I picked up this year. Fat Chance was published in 2014, but I feel that it more relevant than ever this year. The book focusses on the research and the author’s own experience surrounding sugar, obesity and disease. With coronavirus prying on the overweight and obese it was time to understand more about the physical, chemical and psychological causes the lead to these diseases.

3) IS BUTTER A CARB by Rosie Saunt & Helen West

This book is a great introduction to nutrition. It starts off by taking each macronutrients and using evidence based research to unpick myths that are rife in the nutritional field. The style of writing is extremely accessible and easy to interpret. It’s a great book for if you’re just dipping your toe into the water with nutrition.

4) THE 4 PILLAR PLAN by Dr Chatterjee

Dr Chatterjee’s book is another super relevant book to read in light of the current pandemic. The book focusses on more natural ways of healing the body through a 4 pillar plan. For anyone who needs to take a step back and look after themselves more this is the book for them.


There’s a lot of different opinions, articles, books and even conflicting research out ‘in the wild’. If you need guidance or advice for a certain health concern then drop me an enquiry form.


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