Case Study: Meal Planning For Weight Loss

One of the most popular requests that I get is for help with nutrition for weight loss. The Health Survey For England (2019) estimates that over 50% of the population is overweight or obese in England, so it’s no wonder that this is such a prominent consultation request. There are a million and one diets […]

Let’s Talk About Carbohydrates And Blood Sugar Levels

Let’s Talk About Carbohydrates And Blood Sugar Levels

When we talk about carbohydrates, there are three main types – sugars, starch and fibre. What are carbohydrates? A carbohydrate is constructed from a chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The chemical formula is (CH20)n (where n is the number of carbon atoms in the chain) (Mann and Truswell 2012).  There are three types of […]

Top Books To Read This Lockdown

Top Books To Read This Lockdown

One of the positives of this winter lockdown is all the time to read whilst it’s cold and wet outside! I’ve enjoyed having these slower, cozy days. In Nutrition, there’s always new research and books coming out that sometimes it can be hard to keep up! For this article I’ve pulled together some of my […]

Going Vegan? Read This

Going Vegan Read This

There are many benefits to the vegan diet over one that includes meat. Vegan diets have less saturated fats and protein in their diet. This lightens the load on the digestive system and the heart. Also, vegans tend to have a higher intake of fibre, complex carbohydrates and most minerals and vitamins; which brings a […]

Let’s Talk About Protein

Let’s Talk About Protein

Amino Acids There are approximately 20 amino acids, 8 of which can’t be produced (synthesized) by the human body (Ballentine, 2007). These eight are therefore essential to get from a person’s diet. It’s important to note that proteins are in a dynamic state in the body, as they are constantly undergoing processes of synthesis and […]

11 Ways To Improve Your Diet

11 ways to improve your diet

We all stride to be as healthy as possible, but this is often easier said than done. To help my clients I’ve pulled together my top 11 ways to ensure that you’re making healthier choices on a daily basis. I recommend to my clients that they keep this list close to hand when they are […]

Why See A Nutritionist?

Why See A Nutritionist

There are many many many reasons to see a certified Nutritionist (aka Nutritional Therapist), as they can help with such a wide range of things! Some of the common reasons why you might need to see a Nutritionist are …. But there are many other reasons to seek the support of a Nutritionist near to […]

Let’s Talk About Calcium

Lets talk about calcium

Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, with 98% being found in the bones and 1% in the tissues (Ballentine, 2007).  Why Is Calcium Important? Calcium is needed in the diet (in conjunction with over vitamins and minerals) for normal bone growth and maintaining healthy bones and teeth (Mann & Truswell, […]

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

The NHS estimates that PCOS effects 1 in 5 women in the UK. PCOS is where a large number of small egg follicles (approx 8mm in size) occur in the ovaries and is often accompanied by hormonal imbalances (Glenville, 2014). Cysts are where there is a small abnormal growth on the ovaries with fluid filled […]

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