There are many many many reasons to see a certified Nutritionist (aka Nutritional Therapist), as they can help with such a wide range of things!
Some of the common reasons why you might need to see a Nutritionist are ….

- Digestive Issues – IBS, bloating, excess wind, discomfort, constipation / diarrhoea etc
- Skin Complaints – acne, eczema etc
- Migraines / Headaches
- Poor sleep
- Low energy or fatigue
- Allergies / intolerances
- Mental health – depression, anxiety etc
- Women’s health – painful periods, fertility, menopause, PCOS etc
- Eating Disorders
- Loosing / gaining weight
But there are many other reasons to seek the support of a Nutritionist near to you as well. Below I’ve outlined 6 other reasons that you may not have realised:
1) Food science and research is constantly evolving – nutrition is one of the fastest moving fields of science today. It can be hard to keep up with all the new research papers and understand them even. So, a Nutritionist can help you understand what’s best for your body from an evidence based approach.
2) The media often (i.e. most of the time) spins the results of research – this is for their own gain to sell more magazines / newspapers or to get more people to their website. We’re all guilty of seeing a shocking headline and wanting to read more. Often the validity and reliability of such research isn’t brought into question and instead the shocking findings splashed across headlines. If you’re feeling a little confused about where to start then a Nutritionist can help you.
3) We face complex food choices everyday – if you’re overwhelmed by the millions of “diets”that there are (such as paleo, gluten free, keto, lactose free, vegan, pescatarian, vegetarian, fat free etc), then a Nutritionist can help unpick these and find what’s best for you.
4) To heal your relationship with food – This is one of the hardest relationships that people have in their lives. Your relationship with food is influenced by your income, access to supermarkets, religious or ethnic beliefs, ethics, fitness goals, weight, body image, friends and family to name a few things. A Nutritionist can help you unpick some of these complex feelings towards food and find what’s right for you.
5) To future proof your diet – A Nutritionist can help you learn more about food and nutrition to make sure you make informed choices for your body and lifestyle.
6) Nutritional guidelines are naturally not suited for everyone – they are the average for the whole population. All you have to do is look at different country’s nutritional guidelines to see that there is a lot of disagreement in the field. And sometimes the advice of an expert can help guide you to what is right for you.
There are no black and white answers to what we should be eating. Everyone’s diet is unique to them and based on their upbringing, religion, genetics, ethics, levels of activity and so much more. Diet isn’t a one size fits all … just like clothes and shoes. So, why not take the opportunity to talk through your weekly diet to see how it can be improve in a bespoke manner for your lifestyle.
Book an appointment here or drop me an email at with any questions that you may have.